Everyone around the world wishes to have fair skin and have been looking for products and technology to beautify and whiten skin, but the best way is to use fruits and vegetables in your daily diet as it costs lower than any of the creams, or expensive cosmetics.
On sunny days, skin pigmentation often becomes dark and freckles. The main reason is exposure to UV and UVB rays. At this point, diet plays an important role unlike the way to protect your face and beauty care.
Using vegetable is a long traditional way to combat the effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin. Following these tips and methods here will definitely help you to get the desired result to whiten skin.
1. Peas
Small Beans are a solution to many health problems and improve your bronzed skin. PEA can eliminate dark pigmentation of the skin. Beans have vitamin A which helps moisturize the skin effectively.
DIY: Peas can be mixed with salad or stewed with bones. Using peas regularly is very useful for lightening your skin. Always take peas in your diet because of their great effective functions to improve your skin.
2. Mushrooms
Mushroom contains abundant nutrients, including protein and vitamins, especially fat and no cholesterol. Eating mushrooms in moderation will make your skin more beautiful by boosting production of estrogen against aging. Mushrooms contain vitamin D, selenium and antioxidant support to protect your skin against wrinkles caused by the sun.
DIY: -Soak mushrooms in sesame oil to mask skin 2 times / week.
-Fungi characteristics are to improve your skin, add mushrooms to the soup, salad and bread, or use them as an appetizer.
3. Cucumbers
Cucumbers are a popular summer vegetables containing large amounts of vitamins such as vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, and many amino acids and tartaric acids. These acids are against sunburn and freckles, cleanse and whiten skin. Moreover they also reduce skin allergies. Many other nutrients are consisted in cucumber such as protein, carbohydrates, carotene, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, … Cucumbers are great for effective beauty care and they are always a refined vegetable in a variety of washes.
DIY: -Take cucumber juice and lemon juice in equal proportion and mix them together.
-Using this mixture to apply on your face.
-After 15 minutes, you should wash your face gently. Perform 2 times / a week. Only after 1 month, you will see results.
Cucumber mask: -Put 1 cucumber in a blender, puree and apply on face.
-Cucumber mask can gently bleach your skin. You can cover your face every day for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.
4. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a great fruit to get white skin naturally. It is very good for oily skin and blackheads. Tomatoes contain antioxidants like vitamins A and C. The skin can be improved by vitamin C and your skin pigmentation can light up. How much your skin improved depends on the amount taken. It would be better to use raw tomatoes instead of the cooked food.
Tip/DIY: – 1)Rub tomato slices in a circular motion on the skin for 15 minutes and for about 20 to 25 minutes. -Then rinse with cold water. This will lighten the skin and make the skin more youthful.
-Using cooled tomatoes gains more effect when you apply daily.
2) Take 2-3 tablespoons of crushed tomatoes and mix 5-6 drops of lemon juice.
-Then, apply the mixture to your face skin for 15-20 minutes then rinse with cold water.
-Make it about a month to see the effect clearly.
-Lemon juice can cause a tingling sensation on the skin, but do not worry, your skin will become more familiar and slightly burning feeling when frequently using.
5. Carrots
Carrots are good for the eyes and skin because it contains Vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber. It contains antioxidants such as β-carotene which can whiten the skin. Carrots are rich in pectin that can help remove toxic substances in the human body. In addition, carrots are rich in Karetonoid – pigments of vegetables. And they are considered herbal to heal skin diseases because carrots help to improve the skin cells.
Tip/DIY:-Eat carrots or drink a glass of carrot juice 3 times / a week for healthy glowing skin.
-Carrot juice as an anti-inflammatory is useful in maintaining and improving the skin soft and supple.
-Carrots are washed, peeled and chopped, then add 2 teaspoons of honey and egg yolk to form a paste and apply on your face carefully (avoiding eyes and mouth).
-Leave for 10-15 minutes and then wash face with warm water.
6. Potatoes
Potatoes have natural bleaching effect. They are quite cheap vegetables. Potatoes contain enzymes and proteins that help to develop healthier skin. In addition, potatoes contain a large amount of vitamin B, vitamin C and high-quality cellulose which maintain healthy skin. Potatoes also include trace elements, fat, starch and other nutrients. To anti-aging and the diseases of women, all of these components play an extremely important role. Using potato cover or water pressure instead of eating potato chips.
Tip/DIY: -Rub slices of potato or potato juice with a little cotton wool and apply to your face for about 15 minutes.
-Then rinse your face with warm water. Follow this method twice /a day for several weeks, or until you get the desired results.
-Potatoes not only whiten your skin but also remove skin blemishes and any scars.
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