If you had MASSIVE amounts of confidence in yourself, how would your life be different right now?
What would be different in your career? How would your relationships change?
No matter who you are, you can build unstoppable confidence.
Building self-confidence is something that most people leave to chance. Many settle for the belief that as you get older you’ll just automatically grow in confidence through “experience.”
But waiting for external factors to give you confidence is like building your house on sandy ground. When the flood comes, your house will be washed away and left in ruins.
The majority of men who are active in the dating scene are a good example of this common approach. They try to attract as many women as possible, allowing their confidence with women to grow only when they attract a better woman than their last.
This approach may work, but this type of confidence reveals itself to be weak further down the road.
This type of confidence is built on external validation from women and the responses received, and not from within, and so when the flood comes, their confidence goes with it.
For example, one day a woman might shatter their ego by leaving them for another man, or worse, telling them they are not satisfying any of their needs.
At this point most men will start to doubt their worth and their confidence level will drop tremendously, and it’ll affect the way they approach future relationships. Some men may even find it impossible to recover after they’ve been burned really badly.
The men who are really exceptional with women have an unshakable difference. Their confidence is not grounded upon past experience or external validation, but their confidence is built on the belief that no matter what happens, they can trust that they’ll handle it and take immediate correct action.
So the confidence doesn’t come from how many women you can attract, but comes from being a man who is always moving towards his goals and being unshaken by the inevitable ups and downs of living life.
You can build unstoppable confidence by maintaining a high level of TRUST with yourself. All you have to do is consistently follow through with the tasks you assign yourself. Nothing will give you more belief in yourself than being a highly self-directed person.
A Closer Look at Confidence
Self-confidence = how much we like ourselves.
How much we like ourselves = level of self-dominion.
What is self-dominion? It’s our ability to get ourselves to actually do what we want ourselves to do; in other words, self-discipline and self-trust.
A man who has dominion over themselves has self-integrity – staying true to their words and commitments.
Every time we fail to listen to our inner voice, and do not take action in something that we need to, we lose trust with ourselves and our abilities. This lack of self faith continues to spiral downwardly as we flounder to control ourselves.
How to Begin Building Your Unstoppable Confidence
We’re all familiar with the concept of momentum. When we do something well, regardless of how small the task, we build positive energy and momentum.
The more we proactively direct ourselves and succeed at doing so, we create momentum that sets us on an upward spiral towards unstoppable confidence.
For example, if you just make calls to all of your clients, clean your entire car, and mow the lawn, it will be easier for you – psychologically – to quickly move on to and complete the next task. You will have built the momentum necessary to getting things done, and you are simply riding on that energy and building on previous successes.
On the flip side, when we put off what we want to do or know we should do, we lose momentum, and more importantly, we lose trust in ourselves.
A great way to view this is to imagine that we have a personal assistant. The better they perform on the tasks assigned to them, the more confident we will feel towards their abilities to handle responsibility. Gradually, we will assign more important tasks to them as trust is established. We now have faith in their abilities to handle responsibility. Gradually, we will assign more important tasks to them as trust is established. We now have faith in their abilities to follow through. We trust them.
Conversely, if our assistant procrastinates or complete misses deadlines regularly, we will lose faith in their abilities to follow through. We stop trusting them. We stop giving them tasks (at least the important ones), and we start to look for a replacement assistant.
Now, think of ourselves as our own assistant. The more we follow through with actions, the more confidence and trust we’ll establish with ourselves. We will then gain faith in our ability to handle more.
The small wins with ourselves, directly affect how much we like ourselves. Each time we successfully follow through, we build trust in ourselves to keep pushing forward beyond our current comfort zone.
Your ability to take control of yourself and move towards your heart’s deepest desires will give you loads more confidence than any external factors like how much money you have, the car you drive, or how many women flirt with you can ever give you.
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